Krissie in the Skittle Spitting Contest.
Even Pop joined in after sufficient harrassment.
Suzie put on the best show. Too bad you can't capture her head-tossing flings of Skittles with only a still camera!
Nana was a little more reserved, feeling just a tad silly about hocking skittles in front of everyone!
No matter what else happened, everyone always ended up back in the chalk.
Sometimes a cigar is just a piece of sidewalk chalk.
Zachary and Samantha really enjoyed each other. Unfortunately, they both had to go to bed during the pinata, so we didn't get pictures of that.
In the end, Samantha's tights were mostly black with shocking streakes of red, green, and blue. Luckily, Bonnie has the presence of mind to point out the impending situation before her dress and petticoat suffered the same fate. I've never seen Sam dirtier. . . or happier. What a fantastic day.